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NOTE: Due to COVID-19, not all depot locations will be accepting items for drop-off. Please call to confirm before dropping off your materials.

We are a collection of Manitoba-based stewardship organizations with a common goal: to help consumers divert as much waste as possible from our landfills.

Why does this matter?

Quite simply, recycling protects our natural resources, saves landfill space, conserves energy, and reduces water and air pollution as well as the green house gas emissions that cause global warming.

For these reasons and more, we have come together to make it easy for consumers to find safe and responsible ways to dispose of products and packaging that is no longer useful.

Manitoba Stewardship Organizations


Call2Recycle Canada is an industry funded, non-profit organization that collects and recycles batteries at no cost for municipalities, businesses and consumers. Call2Recycle diverts millions of kilograms of batteries from the solid waste stream per year and has established over 7,000 collection sites throughout Canada. A leader in its field, Call2Recycle was built upon a commitment to environmental sustainability and meets or exceeds the most rigorous recycling standards for the safe recycling and management of batteries.
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Electronics Products Recycling Association

The Electronic Products Recycling Association of Manitoba (EPRA Manitoba) is a not for profit industry-led stewardship program for the recycling of end-of-life electronics and providing a secure, convenient recycling option throughout Manitoba.
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Health Products Stewardship Association

The Health Products Stewardship Association (HPSA) is a not-for-profit association established in 1999 to develop, promote, implement and operate medications return programs for designated pharmaceuticals and natural health products categories. HPSA’s mandate is to perform, on behalf of each steward, certain duties required under the Waste Reduction and Prevention Act and subsequent Household Hazardous Material and Prescribed Material Stewardship Regulation HHMR (Man. Reg. 16/2010) through our stewardship program plan filed with the Pollution Prevention Branch, Manitoba Conservation.
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Interstate Battery Systems of Canada Inc.

Interstate Batteries recycles millions of pounds of scrap lead acid batteries every year. Our closed-loop system ensures that all scrap batteries we process are properly handled according to federal and provincial requirements.
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Manitoba’s Used Oil & Antifreeze Program

Manitoba’s Used Oil & Antifreeze program has a mandate to develop, implement and administer a cost-effective, sustainable, user-financed and province-wide stewardship program for used oil, used oil filters and used oil containers on behalf of its members. Antifreeze and its containers were added to the program on June 1, 2011.
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Multi-Material Stewardship Manitoba

Multi-Material Stewardship Manitoba (MMSM) is an industry-funded, non-profit organization that operates a province-wide recycling program for packaging and printed paper, in accordance with the Packaging and Printed Paper Stewardship Regulation. With the goal of increasing recycling rates, MMSM developed a consumer website - - with information for residents on where to recycle their materials. MMSM developed the Recyclepedia, an online tool and app that helps Manitobans know where to recycle their materials. The tool is available in 13 different languages, and includes location-specific information for different areas of the province.
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Product Care Association

Product Care is a not-for-profit industry sponsored association that manages product stewardship programs for household hazardous and special waste on behalf of its members across Canada. It was formed by "brand owners" (manufacturers, distributors and retailers) of the products which are the subject of provincial product stewardship regulations. Under those regulations, the "brand owners" of the regulated products must provide a way for consumers to dispose of their leftover products in an environmentally responsible manner. Product Care also provides consumers, retailers, and local governments with information and materials about the safe and responsible way to use, store, recycle and dispose of the products in Product Care programs.
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Recycle Everywhere

Founded in 2010, the Canadian Beverage Container Recycling Association (CBCRA) is a not-for-profit, industry-funded organization whose membership includes beverage brand owners and distributors. CBCRA is committed to reaching the government-mandated target of recovering 75% of beverage containers sold in Manitoba. CBCRA implemented and operates the Recycle Everywhere program. Recycle Everywhere strives to educate Manitobans on beverage container recycling, and ensure that it is convenient to recycle empty beverage containers no matter where citizens live, work or play.
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Recycle My Cell

Recycle My Cell is Manitoba’s official recycling program for mobile devices and accessories. Whether you are upgrading your phone or cleaning out your junk drawer, helping keep your old devices out of landfills makes a big difference. Using our search tool on, you’ll be able to find the locations nearest to you to drop off your device – including cell phones, smartphones, wireless PDAs, cell phone batteries and pagers – regardless of brand, model, age, or condition. And if you can’t come to one of our locations, we’ll gladly accept your device through our free mail-back option.
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Thermostat Recovery Program

Thermostat Recovery Program (TRP) is an industry funded product stewardship program focused on recovering and recycling end-of-life thermostats. We accept both electronic and mercury-containing models, and ensure that all of the components are responsibly recycled. TRP is fully administered and managed by the Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada.
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Tire Stewardship Manitoba

Tire Stewardship Manitoba (TSM) is a not-for-profit organization formed to manage the scrap tire recycling program on behalf of tire retailers in Manitoba. TSM has had its tire stewardship program approved by Manitoba Conservation in accordance with The Tire Stewardship Regulation, 2006.
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Copyright 2025. Manitoba Stewardship Organizations
Website credits; BIO